Sunday, November 21, 2010


Meningitis is the inflammation of the outer covering of the brain and the spinal cord.  This inflammation is usually caused from infection by viruses or bacteria.  Since its so close to the brain and the spinal cord, meningitis is a life threatening disease.  Luckily, there are very easy ways to prevent meningitis.  The first way is to always wash your hands.  After you have been playing with toys or games that are shared by many kids, there are lots of germs left on them.  By washing you hands with soap and water or Purel, meningitis can be prevented, as well as many other germs!  Also, many schools have an immunization program, where nurses come in to give you shots.  Even though they may be painful, it is much better than getting meningitis.

For more information on meningitis, go to this >>LINK<<.